tiring day...
To all viewers who i LOVE most <----LOL! Today i had to wake up at 8.00a.m. and sit in this clinic LIM for hours!! YOU cant imagine how many millions of ppl inside this small clinic... luckily there's a spot for me to squeeze in n rot there...
After that went to godmom's house... sit there n play with ROCKY which is a cute n dreadful poodle --->

thats rocky... cute rite? don make him angry cause if u
do,u'll know wat he'll do to u..
sis experience it twice~
Then comes my superb loooonggg journey for lunch!! Follow godmom n other relatives for lunch together... Den uncle brought us to a place which took 1 hour over to reach there... its an old kopitiam which situated further than tambun n nearly reach Ipoh i guess... i was blur throughout the entire journey.... when i reached there, my HEAD totally exploded cause the kopitiam was like normal penang road kopitiam.. LOL!! we ate prawns,vege n etc with BREAD!! special huh?!

when i pass through here i was like "OMFG, we travel to Ipoh just for LUNCH?"
All i can see is trees,roads and cars..... imagine you have to went
through all that while being UBER hungry!!

that is me on the way backkkkk!! n SIS next to me<----pemandu berhemat

on the way back, this is what AMAZED me! it looks like the Harbour bridge!!
okay soon get back home n within 3hours, had to go out for dinner again cause dad was hungry....swt!! Dinner is completely RUIN when they started discussing bout me working n stuffs like that.. goshhh, cant a young innocent guy like get a break?
i think thats all for today....
turning off
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