bye bye junior~
Sorry guys im kinda lazy to blog nowadays....
This dialogue keep running in my head, "tmr oni blog la"...
tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow until now oso din blog yet... swt =_="
So the other day we all went out to Sunway Carnival to celebrate our beloved n LUCKY friend that kena NATIONAL SERVICE~
I guesss u all know who is he by lookin at the title xD
Its Junior Yong Tzy Jie !!!

HIM!! posing as a nerd guy >_<
we had lunch in MANHATTAN FISH MARKET!
u can always smell something fishy there.. LOL
Then we headed to GSC for a movie....
IP MAN!!! n its pronounce as yiiipppp maaaannnnn thx to the counter girl for teachin us...
anyway the show was AWESOME!! the fella punce like machine gun LMAO
u should really watch it guys!!

WARNING! don mess wit him or u'll end up being punch like F***
Kel's Rating : 9/10
After that, me, chai n yen went to Kopitiam Junction for an evening high tea...
and this wat happen to us.......
F****** white coffee taste sooooooo SWEEEET... arghhh uekkkkk!!
Yenn was trying to take off her shirt!! nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
lol jokin jokin xD

another beloved friend who eats like there's no tomorrow...

ice cream toast~
my expression tell it all!! UEEKKKK!!! LMAO~
Then went back n continue to emo coz someone is goneee far far away in a land of nowhere! T____T
Cant wait for her to be back! missing her till tinggal tulang oni...
p/s : misssssssss yooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
backing off